August 12, 2008

A Moment of Reflection...

5-1/2" x 10"
For those of you that are Catholics and Protestants, you are not going to believe that I love crucifixes. The reason why I say this, is because I'm not a Catholic, but I'm a non-denominational Christian instead, and we do not believe in having Jesus crucified on the cross.
I attended a Catholic school for 9 years and later went on my merry way searching for God. All of this was when I was a teenager.
I find myself today yearning for all of our Christian churches (Catholic and Protestant) to once again paint God's glory! Why are Christian artists ostracized in the creative activities of the Christian churches? We have dance, we have poetry and music in the churches, but where are the divinely inspired paintings?
It saddens my heart to see that we, as artists, are not included. So I am here today including the beautiful image of Jesus on this blog even though non-denominational Christians do not believe in showing Jesus crucified.
I relate to an image of Jesus on the cross more than I can relate to an empty cold cross. I think that those bloody Mexican crucifixes with Jesus suffering on the cross make my faith real and stronger.
I have another crucifix that I'll show later, and lets see if I can bring myself to paint more. It's such a sacred image that I find it difficult to paint.
If you look at my banner, found on the upper side of this page, you will see the portrait of Jesus on the cross. I don't know if you ever wondered what it was, but yes, it is Jesus portrayed in a very abstract way.
Hope you enjoy this Holy image.

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